Facelets Essentials

Submitted by Jochus on Tue, 26/01/2010 - 20:04 | Posted in: Java

Some time ago, a colleague at work recommended me this book. It's really small (only counts 84 pages), but it's really good written! It reads fast en it makes a new Facelets developer very easy to start working with Facelets.

Most of the things, I was already familiar with. But I discoved a nice tag to use: < ui:debug.. />

The UI Debug tag allows you to display helpful information about the JSF component tree and scoped variables in your browser when you test your JSF pages. The hotkey attribute specifies a key combination (CTRL + SHIFT + D is the default value) to display the popup window containing the information. The UI Debug tag can be enabled or disabled by setting the rendered attribute.

It didn't work in the first time. I forgot to specify the facelets.DEVELOPMENT parameter in the web.xml (well, in my opinion, the book wasn't very clear on this one ...)


After a redeploy, there was a popup providing me a lot of information about the JSF component tree!

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