Drupal comment_notify logger improved

Submitted by Jochus on Tue, 16/02/2010 - 22:38 | Posted in: Website

Christophe told me it wasn't possible to receive notification mails on comments you posted on my website. He was right, because I had a problem with permissions.

But after configuring the permissions, Christophe was still complaining ;-)!
After some research, I noticed something weird to the logger of Drupal:

Type	        Date                    Message	        User	Operations
comment_notify	02/15/2010 - 20:53	Notified: 	Jochus	source comment

In the PHP code, I found this piece of code:

        'Notified: '. !user_mail,
        array('!user_mail' => $user_mail),
        l(t('source comment'), 'node/'. $nid, array(
          'fragment' => 'comment-'. $alert->cid,

So, normally, the subject should be: Notified: $HERE_COMES_THE_EMAIL_ADDRESS. But I noticed this was a typo in the logger. The correct implementation is:

        'Notified: '. $user_mail,
        array('!user_mail' => $user_mail),
        l(t('source comment'), 'node/'. $nid, array(
          'fragment' => 'comment-'. $alert->cid,

While debugging the code, every mail was received correctly. So it seems to be working "sometimes" ... I haven't figured out what's going wrong here.

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