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Submitted by Simon (not verified) on Wed, 07/12/2011 - 21:59

Ugh, I tried again completely uninstalling everything and here's the report I sent in to their tech support:

The overall goal is that I want to be able to access the printer remotely through a host computer. I've hooked the DYMO up to the host, and successfully printed a test page, so that's been done. I then set up permissions on the network so that the remote computer can access the host computer, and it works fine--on the remote computer I can open up devices and printers tab, and the printer is listed under my printers tab under DYMO LabelWriter 400 on

The problem now however is that when I try to run software on the remote computer, it states:

DYMO Label:

DYMO Label requires a DYMO label printer to be installed. Make sure your label printer is installed and connected.

What can I do in order to get the software to recognize that I'm trying to use the printer remotely? I have the version of the software, and version of the drivers. I am running on a Windows 7 64Bit OS.

This has been a very troubling problem and I'd appreciate any sort of response to this email.


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